Had first signs of it on Friday while doing tables for DX, noticed throat feeling uncomfortable. By Saturday morning couldn't even get up, dizzy, coughing, sneezing, all that. Fast forward to today (Thursday morning), the headaches and dizziness is gone, but coughing is worse than ever. Doesn't hurt as bad in the throat anymore, rather it is just a lot of coughs that hurt my lungs, the worst. So can't even breathe well, or sleep for that matter, cause its almost 4 AM now thanks to the cough. Might as well do paper instead of sleep eh?
Got first Physics lab coming up, 12:20 - 2:30 PM or something, should be fun... or something. Oh look, it appears I have to get some lab materials for it, more opportunties to spend money on textbooks and whatever. It's not like I lots of money or anything. Still have to play for... DX dues, DX gear, Lil's gear, Medicine co-pay, and no add more books, and lab goggles if I can't find my old ones.
Meanwhile, TiV looked fun, muddy as hell though, feel bad for those wearing lights cause that ain't ever coming out.